The Leadership structure is based upon other Society structures and on the AAO-HNS “Guidelines for a Model Society.” This can be adjusted to best fit our State Society, once we are more established. Please see the “Constitution and Bylaws” for details about each Leadership position.
We’d like to, at least, establish our Academy Representatives prior to the upcoming AAO-HNS Annual Meeting. This will allow us to have Society representation at the Annual Meeting and for these representatives to bring back helpful information to our first Society dinner on October 7th.
Immediate Past President: Tania Kraai, MD
President: Liat Shama, MD
Secretary Treasurer: Noah Syme, MD
Program Chair: Jacob Kahane, MD
Website Management: Garth Olson, MD
Academy Representatives:
Karen Hawley, MD – University of New Mexico
Legislative Affairs Committee Representative:
Karen Hawley, MD – University of New Mexico
Socioeconomic Grassroots Committee Representative:
Duncan Meiklejohn, MD – University of New Mexico
Young Physician Section Representative:
Committee Members:
Membership Committee
Nominating Committee
The President shall preside at all meetings. The President shall act as liaison and official spokesman for this Society and shall appoint all ad hoc committees. He or she will oversee and assist the other leaders of the Society. The President will also act as the Governor for the Board of Governors (BOG). The Governor for the BOG will act as the New Mexico Society of Otolaryngology representative. The Governor shall attend at least one of two following meetings: The Fall Annual Academy Meeting and/or the Annual Leadership Forum. If the Governor is unable to attend both meetings, he or she is responsible for communicating with other regional Governors and the Society LC/SGRC Representatives before and after the Academy meetings are held. The Governor is responsible for communicating with the Academy BOG regularly, subscribe to the BOG Forum online (ENTCONNECT) and communicate with the Society Members any relevant information. If unable to fulfill function duties, the Secretary-Treasurer shall act in his or her stead.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the minutes and have charge of the finances of the Society. This includes balancing the budget, obtaining sponsors and tracking membership dues. In the event the Secretary-Treasurer is unable to fulfill function duties, the President shall act in his or her stead.
Program Chair:
The Program Chair shall be responsible for planning and arranging a Speaker’s Program for each Business Dinner meeting and inform the membership as to the date and location of each meeting. Additionally, he or she will arrange for virtual meetings when needed.
Each of the above positions is to be held for one year. Each year a new Program Chair will be elected, the Program Chair will move into the Secretary-Treasurer position and the Secretary-Treasurer will move into the President/Governor position.
Academy Representatives:
Legislative Affairs Committee Representative:
The Legislative Affairs Committee Representative (LC Rep) shall attend at least one of two following meetings: The Fall Annual Academy Meeting and/or the Annual Leadership Forum. The Legislative Affairs Committee helps to give the AAO-HNS a voice in law making decisions, both at the state and national level. If the LC Rep is unable to attend both meetings, he or she is responsible for communicating with other regional LC Reps and the Society Governor/SGRC/YPS Representative before and after the Academy meetings are held. The LC Rep is responsible for communicating with the Academy Legislative Committee regularly and communicate with the Society Members any relevant information. The LC Rep should also communicate with the NM State Tracker regarding any relative bills which may affect the Society and/or Academy.
Socioeconomic Grass Roots Committee Representative:
The Socioeconomic Grass Roots Committee Representative (SEGR Rep) shall attend at least one of two following meetings: The Fall Annual Academy Meeting and/or the Annual Leadership Forum. The SGRC helps members of the Societies and the AAO-HNS understand and communicate financial matters in our specialty such as billing, coding, insurance policies, etc. If the SGRC Rep is unable to attend both meetings, he or she is responsible for communicating with other regional SGRC Reps and the Society Governor/LC/YPS Representative before and after the Academy meetings are held. The SGRC Rep is responsible for communicating with the Academy Socioeconomic Grass Roots Committee regularly and communicate with the Society Members any relevant information.
Young Physician Section Representative:
The Young Physician Section Representative (under 40 years or age or within their first 8 years of practice) shall attend at least one of two following meetings: The Fall Annual Academy Meeting and/or the Annual Leadership Forum. The YPS has been established to help with matters affecting newer otolaryngologists. If the YPS Rep is unable to attend both meetings, he or she is responsible for communicating with other regional YPS Reps and the Society Governor/SGRC/LC Representative before and after the Academy meetings are held. The YPS Rep is responsible for communicating with the Academy Young Physician Section regularly and communicate with the Society Members any relevant information.
Each of the Academy Representative positions will be held for one year. Each year, an election will take for a new Representative for the LC, SEGR and YPS.